Haggerty Electrical Ltd. 

Residential Wiring


New Homes & Renovations

Whether you are building new or renovating your existing home, I can assist with your final plan!

An illustration of a smart home with various icons around it


Smart Home Systems

There are many brands on the market today that allow you control temperature settings, lighting, and even larger loads via your smartphone. To find a solution to control your smart home, contact Will Haggerty.




When the power is out, a back-up generator system is a great way to keep your home & business comfortable.

A honda em 5000 sx generator is sitting on the ground
A white box with a lot of wires inside of it.


Structured Wiring

Data, phone, & TV connections where you want them.


What’s involved in a service upgrade?

Whether you are upgrading your service to 200A, or more, you will be required to have a minimum amount of work done to satisfy the Nova Scotia Power Electrical Inspector.

These minimum requirements are as follows (condensed, may change without notice):

  • Any hazardous wiring needs to be made safe.
  • Any ungrounded wiring can either be removed or protected by GFCI devices.
  • Smoke detectors (interconnected) on each floor level, and in every bedroom. If you have an attached garage, or fuel burning appliance in your home, you will be required to have at least 1 carbon monoxide outside of the sleeping areas.
  • Light switches at the top & bottom of stairwells with more than 3 or 4 steps.
  • Unfinished basements may be exempt.
  • Appropriate spacing of kitchen counter receptacles. Typically not further than 1.8m apart, and on any work surface wider than 300mm. Existing peninsular and island areas may be exempt.
  • If the additional counter receptacle is within 1.5m of kitchen sinks, a GFCI will be required.
  • Dedicated circuits for the following loads (may require CAFI protection), if present:
  • Kitchen Fridge
  • Water/Well Pump
  • Furnace
  • Sump Pump
  • Clothes Washer
  • Any large load exceeding 1500 watts
  • At least one receptacle in each room.
  • At least one outdoor GFCI receptacle, if additional, will need to be on a dedicated CAFI (Combination Arc-Fault Interruptor) breaker.
  • An exterior light by each entryway into the home.

Reference: Nova Scotia Power, Electrical Panel UpgradesCanadian Electrical Code 2021

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